Sunday, June 19, 2011

20000 Photos on Flickr

I turned 39 and this is my 20,000th photo on flickr

A few months ago I wrote about my flickr philosophy. In a nut shell it comes down to posting as many photos as I can. If it is good at all, it should go up. I want Flickr to be my internet photo memory bank.

Passing the 20,000 photo mark on Flickr got me thinking about my photographic goals and priories. I have decided to come up with a list.

1. Take at least one photo everyday
2. Post photos to flickr 6 days a week
3. Have a camera with me at all times
4. Scan all my old paper photos
5. Post most my scans to flickr
6. Have fewer than 1% of my photos have no views
7. Have fewer than 10% of my photos have fewer than 10 views
8. Add tags to all my photos
9. Tag the people in all my photos.
10. Add All my photos to at least 5 flickr groups